Hotline 1 : 0822-1111-2335 Hotline 2 : 0857-7556-1612

Upper Range Radiation Detector - 901 NukAlert Key Chain

Category : Radiological Detection

Kondisi : NEW

View : 129

Hotline 1 : 0822-5102-2483
Hotline 2 : 0857-7556-1612 (Marketing Team)
Hotline 3 : 0812-8847-8408

The Model 901 Key Chain Radiation Detector for Upper-Range Radiation is an effective and easy to use system for detecting dangerous levels of radiation. More than just a radiation detector, the NukAlert™ is a patented personal radiation meter, monitor and alarm. Small enough to attach to a key chain, the device operates non-stop, 24/7 and will promptly warn you of the presence of unseen, but acutely dangerous levels of radiation.

Features & Specifications

•  Tested & Verified by Naval Air Warfare Center

•  Always "ON" 24/7, Includes long-life 10+ year battery

•  Detection Range: 100 mR/hr to 5,000 R/hr,

•  Metering: 100 mR/hr to 50 R/hr, in 10 calibrated ranges

•  Proportional Increasing Chirp Rate: 50 R/hr to 5,000 R/hr

•  Gamma and X-rays from 20 keV to above 2 MeV

•  Sensitivity incl. higher emergency radiation levels

•  Alarm "chirp" corresponds to chart on back of device

•  Introduced before Health Physics Society - 1/03

•  Performance verified by Nat'l Radiological Laboratory

•  Each unit individually radiation accuracy tested

•  Patented technology

•  Made in the U.S.A.

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